2 - 5 years
Girls: any leotard, tights, black tap shoes, pink ballet slippers, dance bag
Boys: t-shirt, shorts, black tap shoes, black ballet slippers, dance bag
(tights, shoes & dance bags are available at Dance Connection)
6 year and above
Girls: any leotard, tights, black tap shoes, pink ballet slippers, black jazz shoes, dance bag
Boys: t-shirt, shorts, black tap shoes, black ballet slippers, black jazz shoes, dance bag
( shoes, tights, & dance bags are available at Dance Connection)
Advanced Students
Girls: all black tight fitting top/leotard/tight tank top/camisole/sports bra, leggings or dance shorts, black tap shoes, canvas half soles and instructor required shoes, dance bag. Hair pulled back. No jewelry.
Boys: tank top, shorts, black tap shoes and instructor required shoes, dance bag.
Hip Hop
Girls: any leotard and tights OR tank top and shorts & clean street sneakers
Boys: t-shirt, shorts & clean street sneakers
Modern, Musical Theatre, African
Girls: leotard, convertible tights, dance shorts or dance pants,twylas or jazz shoes
Boys: t-shirt or tank top, shorts, bare feet
(tights, shoes & dance bags are available at Dance Connection)
What an amazing show! That was a lot of hard work and it really showed.
I am so happy that my daughter is a part of Dance Connection. Your studio is such a wonderful establishment and I look forward to Haleigh growing up and being a part of this for a long time to come. Your involvement with the community is teaching the children life long lessons that will stay with them forever.
Sarah D
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