Terms and Conditions
Enclosed is Summer Camp & Classes NON-REFUNDABLE tuition for my child. This fee will hold my child’s placement in class. I understand that it will not be refunded, if I decide not to attend. I hereby agree not to hold Dance Connection, its directors and staff responsible for any damages or liabilities due to theft, accident, injury or risks associated with airborne illnesses during or resulting from my child’s (or myself) participation in any capacity of or related to any function or activity of Dance Connection. Participation is at my own risk. Dance Connection has my permission to use pictures/videos of my child on website. I hereby assume all financial responsibility for my child (or myself) enrolled at Dance Connection. In the event it becomes necessary to refer this account for collection, I will be liable for all collection fees, including attorney fees, interest, etc. I have read the 2022-2023, Dance Connection terms and conditions and understand and agree to its contents.