

We Look Forward to Entertaining You!

Please remember:

  • Tickets are required for entry - please know which seats are yours ahead of time
  • PROGRAMS WILL NOT BE DISTRIBUTED! If you would like a hard copy, please print beforehand


Recital videos can be ordered online HERE!


Recital bears can be ordered through Maureen (call or text): 585-225-3182

Large bear is 15 inches tall for $20.00

 Medium bear is 12 inches tall for $15.00

When you order please state:

**parent name

** phone number

**Dancers Name to be printed on shirt

** Size Bear (Large or Medium)

** hairpiece or no hairpiece

**Can Maureen contact you by phone to pre-pay (Yes or No) - (this will save time at show)

Upcoming Rehearsals

*All start times are 4:30! Please have costume on, shoes on, and ready to be ON STAGE at 4:30 (or estimated start time)

Tuesday Rehearsals

Wednesday Rehearsals

Thursday Rehearsals

View Programs and Good Luck Lines Below!

9am Show

12pm Show

3pm Show

6pm Show